Help redesign the Child Protection Act 1999
22nd November 2016
The Queensland Government is committed to building a new child protection and family support system that meets the needs of children and families, now and into the future. For this system to be effective and efficient in meeting the needs of Queensland children and families, it requires a rigorous, contemporary legislative framework.
From October to December 2016, the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services is undertaking stage two of the public consultation to review and redesign the Child Protection Act 1999. You are invited to participate in the consultation through face-to-face discussions, workshops and written submissions.
The next chapter in child protection legislation for Queensland: options paper sets out options for changing the legislation.
The options paper and a summary version of the paper are available on the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services website www.qld.gov.au/childprotectionactreview
For more information about the redesign of the Child Protection Act 1999, email CPAReview@communities.qld.gov.au